Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The new Cambells Soup kid!

Last Saturday Katie got her wisdom teeth out. No big deal for most kids. But Katie looks like someone beat her up! Her cheeks are still huge, and they have a giant bruise on them. She even has a bruise under her eye. What's even worse, she is still in a lot of pain and her breath reeks! Poor Katie Bug!


sherry said...

Sorry Katie, hope you feel better soon.

Linda Mattson said...

Hey Katie, hope you get feeling better! Hope you love soup.

Jennifer Fisher said...

Poor Katie, getting your wisdom teeth out is not fun. I didn't have any problems and was out doing stuff the next day, but Heather would tell you a different story. She got dry socket and I remember taking her back to the place she got her wisdom teeth out and they had to give her a shot right were her dry socket was, Ouch!!! Not fun. Hope you feel better.

Linda Mattson said...

I love all of the side pictures especially your wedding picture. Could you have made it any bigger?